Nashville Hackathon

    Nashville Hackathon

    Friday, April 4, 2025 until Sunday, April 6, 2025 Eastern Daylight Time UTC -04:00

    Vanderbilt University
    2001 Grand Ave
    Nashville, TN 37212
    United States

    Accelerate your AI - an "Un-Hackathon"

    Vanderbilt University Data Science and the Atlanta University Center Consortium are excited to announce the launch of an inaugural symposium that will ignite the curiosity of students by exploring the ethical implications of generative AI, guided by leaders from Atlanta’s corporate innovators.

    Vanderbilt University and our HBCU partners in Nashville and Atlanta, led by VU Data Science and the AUCC Data Science Initiative, are excited to collaborate with leading companies to foster innovation and explore ethical AI practices. This ‘un-hackathon’ welcomes all students, regardless of their proficiency in data science or AI, emphasizing ethical AI considerations. Students from eight universities across Atlanta and Nashville, will bring diverse critical thinking skills and perspectives.

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    Think you have what it takes to compete? Apply below!

    Accepted Students will be notified by March 28h. 

    Academic Year
    Academic Year
    Expected Graduation Year
    Expected Graduation Year

    Choose the level which best reflects your knowledge and experience with programming:
    Choose the level which best reflects your knowledge and experience with programming:
    Choose the level which best reflects your knowledge of and experience with generative AI:
    Choose the level which best reflects your knowledge of and experience with generative AI:

    We will be offering food for those who attend.

    Please indicate any dietary restrictions you might have. 

    We will be offering food for those who attend.

    Please indicate any dietary restrictions you might have.